Samstag, 19. Juli 2008
NOW the official BLOG is starting
the days of this BLOG are gone,
you will find further informations now at the official Blog of the 25th International Malteser Summercamp at the monestry of Stams.
www. ............ coming soon
Freitag, 18. Juli 2008
Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2008
BEDs are burnning
...Beds Are Burning" is a 1987 hit single by Australian rock band Midnight Oil, the first track from their album Diesel and Dust. Was not the real motto of today ...
The beds arrived at the camp side.
The beds arrived at the camp side.
... and neither the song by Status Quo "You're in the..... " was the rihgt motto of the day.
Wehave to say thank you to the boys of the austrian army, they did a great job today. They've been working hard .
Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008
challenge experience
Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008
Montag, 14. Juli 2008
The name Innsbruck means 'bridge over the Inn River', referring to the Inn River, which flows through the city. The first colonialistaions point out the early Stone Age. Pre-Roman place names show that the area had been populated continuously. The Romans established the army station Veldidena as protection of the economically important commercial street from Verona-Brenner-Augsburg in the 4th Century. As early as 15 BC, the Romans were using the area around Innsbruck as a transit route for Roman soldiers. During Volkerwanderung in the 4th century, this was destroyed. The Bavarians migrated to the Inn valley during the 6th century AD, setting the stage for the city's development.
The German emperor gave autonomy and political power over all the alpine valleys of Tyrol to the Counts of Andechs, who then turned Innsbruck into their centre of rule. In 1180 they established a market in the Inn valley and the first recorded mention of the name 'Innsprucke' can be traced back to 1187. It serves as an important crossing point over the river Inn. The bridge over the Inn River was a key factor in the movement of goods between the northern and southern regions of the Alps and this newborn town quickly prospered.
Count Albert III took control of Tyrol, in 1248; thus unifying the counties around Brenner Pass. This year was considered as the year of Tyrol's birth. Innsbruck became the capital of all Tyrol in 1429. The Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor Maximilion I turned the city into a booming cultural and economic centre. For his crowning achievement the Goldene Dachl was constructed , which remains Innsbruck's most famous landmark today.
During the Napoleonic wars Tyrol was ceded to Bavaria, ally of France. Andreas Hofer led a Tyrolean peasant army in the victory on the Berg Isel against combined Bavarian and French forces, proceeded to make Innsbruck the centre of his administration. The combined army later overran the Tyrolean militia army and Innsbruck was until 1814 part of Bavaria. After the Vienna Congress Austrian rule returned. The Tyrolean hero Andreas Hofer was executed in Mantua and his remains were returned to Innsbruck in 1823 and interred in the Franciscan church.
In the end of the 19th century, Innsbruck regained its economic significance with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, which spurred mass transport and communications. In 1884, the railway track was opened through the Brenner Pass, putting Innsbruck back on the modern map as the central hub for transport between the different regions of the Alps.
In 1938, Innsbruck, an Austrian city, was annexed by Nazi Germany. From 1943 until April 1945 Innsbruck experienced bombed 21 times by the Allies in World War II, suffered heavy damage.
Innsbruck become more popular and received an enormous boost when it hosted the Winter Olympics in 1964 and again in 1976. Today it remains a major destination for athletes in training, recreational skiers and culture-seekers. Also it is one of the premier travel destination through the combination of incredible ski slopes and thriving cosmopolitan life.
The German emperor gave autonomy and political power over all the alpine valleys of Tyrol to the Counts of Andechs, who then turned Innsbruck into their centre of rule. In 1180 they established a market in the Inn valley and the first recorded mention of the name 'Innsprucke' can be traced back to 1187. It serves as an important crossing point over the river Inn. The bridge over the Inn River was a key factor in the movement of goods between the northern and southern regions of the Alps and this newborn town quickly prospered.
Count Albert III took control of Tyrol, in 1248; thus unifying the counties around Brenner Pass. This year was considered as the year of Tyrol's birth. Innsbruck became the capital of all Tyrol in 1429. The Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor Maximilion I turned the city into a booming cultural and economic centre. For his crowning achievement the Goldene Dachl was constructed , which remains Innsbruck's most famous landmark today.
During the Napoleonic wars Tyrol was ceded to Bavaria, ally of France. Andreas Hofer led a Tyrolean peasant army in the victory on the Berg Isel against combined Bavarian and French forces, proceeded to make Innsbruck the centre of his administration. The combined army later overran the Tyrolean militia army and Innsbruck was until 1814 part of Bavaria. After the Vienna Congress Austrian rule returned. The Tyrolean hero Andreas Hofer was executed in Mantua and his remains were returned to Innsbruck in 1823 and interred in the Franciscan church.
In the end of the 19th century, Innsbruck regained its economic significance with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, which spurred mass transport and communications. In 1884, the railway track was opened through the Brenner Pass, putting Innsbruck back on the modern map as the central hub for transport between the different regions of the Alps.
In 1938, Innsbruck, an Austrian city, was annexed by Nazi Germany. From 1943 until April 1945 Innsbruck experienced bombed 21 times by the Allies in World War II, suffered heavy damage.
Innsbruck become more popular and received an enormous boost when it hosted the Winter Olympics in 1964 and again in 1976. Today it remains a major destination for athletes in training, recreational skiers and culture-seekers. Also it is one of the premier travel destination through the combination of incredible ski slopes and thriving cosmopolitan life.
How to get there
Hi folks,
do you know Stams,
Oh it's a pity.
But we know the place and we know how you'll get there.
Have a look........
it'll take time, but it will be very romantic........
.... ist this just a joke????
do you know Stams,
Oh it's a pity.
But we know the place and we know how you'll get there.
Have a look........
it'll take time, but it will be very romantic........
.... ist this just a joke????
Freitag, 11. Juli 2008
Check the area
The staff of the programm-team was visiting this landscape,
where have they been??????
Do you know this place???
The answer is NO,
so we've got no doubt that you'll know it in a few weeks.
Der Stapler kommt
Langsam beginnt der Ernst der Aktion, wie man sieht wurde schon das "Schwere-Gerät" verladen.
Was macht ein Pilot auf dieser Seite
Paul, bist Du ein Segelflieger.....
was hat das mit dem IMS zu tun.
Erklär mal
Noch herrscht Ruhe
Noch herrscht Ruhe vor dem Sturm, friedlich und still ist es in Stams. Die Vöglein zwitschern und langsam, ganz langsam breitet sich die Pracht des heutigen Sommertages aus.
Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2008
Alles wird GUT solange du WILD bist
Diesen Leitspruch der Wilden Kerle haben wir,
wir das ist das Fundraisingteam,
uns zu unserem Leitspruch gemacht
und versucht Unmögliches möglich zu machen.
Unser Ziel ist und war es möglichst viele Sponsoren und Gönner zu finden.
Denn der finanzielle Bedarf zur Realisierung diese Projektes mit rund EUR 436.000,-- ist beträchtlich und stellt uns vor große Herausforderungen.
Einerseits möchten wir die Selbstkosten für die Teilnehmer so gering wie mögliche halten, andererseits stehen viele logistische Hürden vor uns. Wir wollen unseren Behinderten eine uneingeschränkte Woche ohne Barrieren ermöglichen. Sogar Segelfliegen und River-Rafting stehen auf dem Programm.
Darum schlagen wir uns die Nächte um die Ohren und schreiben uns die Finger wund. Auch unsere Ohren sind schon ganz rot vom Telefonieren.
Dies aber immer im Dienst der guten Sache. Wir wollen unseren Gästen ein einmaliges Erlebnis ermöglichen,
darum bleiben wir WILD.
Wer wild ist, der handelt, der tut selber was.
Wer immer nur redet oder vor dem Fernseher sitzt,
der träumt höchstens davon, dass er wild sein könnte."
(Maxi "Tippkick" Maximilian, der Mann mit dem
härtesten Bumms auf der Welt)
"Wild sein kann man nicht spielen. Man kann nicht so tun,
als ob man wild ist. Das wäre ja so, als wären die Wilden Kerle
erfunden. Dabei gibt es sie doch. Wir sind echt."
(Felix, der Wirbelwind)
"Natürlich ist wild sein gefährlich. Aber es ist noch viel
gefährlicher, wenn man unsichtbar wild ist."
(Raban, der Held und Manager der Wilden Kerle e.W)
Noch gut zwei Wochen
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